Episode 60: The First Three Distortions

After a long break, Nithin and Jeremy return to discuss a 1974 Hatonn session that presages the Ra contact revelations in so many ways. In the context of the long lineage of Confederation channeling, they discuss what they mean by love and light, how they interact and relate to the first distortion, free will. This leads them to address thoughts on the nature of manifestation and the thread connecting it back to the Creator through a variety of successive distortions, a task that doesn’t quite yield to the intellect. Evolution then tracks through time the process of this thread being traced back to unity, as we learn how to truly become self-conscious enough to become a participant in the Creator’s evolutionary project.

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Episode 59: Contemplation

Nithin and Jeremy welcome “Linus,” an anonymous Other Selves Working Group member, to the show to help them discuss Ra’s concept of contemplation. Distinguishing it from meditation and prayer, they examine these three forms of inner work, observing how contemplation addresses the attention to one’s conscious mind in a way congruent to meditation’s attention to the deep mind. Reflecting on their own experiences with contemplation, the trio discuss how contemplation relates to other aspects of the seeker’s life, especially its relationship with inward inquiry, catalysis, and growth.

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Episode 57: The Shadow Self

Nithin and Jeremy team up to explore Confederation messages that discuss those darker parts of the self less understood and accepted. Extremely few if any of us lack imbalances, so we always have material to work with coming through in our dreams, our biases, our catalyst, and those crazy ways we surprise ourselves. Several Confederation messages suggest that incorporating the shadow self into the greater self is part of the service-to-others path where we gain our grit and tenacity to continue walking the path when it is toughest. Jeremy ties in Monka’s recent comments on introjection and projection aspects of the mirroring effect and how it relates to the shadow self.

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Episode 56: Dreams and the Dream-like

Nithin and Jeremy welcome back Jamie Liestman, who last spoke with us on dreams and the Law of One in episode 48. This time we cover some new ground, starting with Jamie describing how she uses art to better work with her dreams. We discuss the qualitative nature of dreams as time/space experiences, stressing the primacy of their subjective, affective, and atemporal properties. After lamenting the lack of respect society shows dreams, they analyze a Q’uo message to explore how waking life might be symbolically interpreted as if it were a dream in a way benefiting the seeker.

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Episode 53: Conflict and Peace

Responding to the proliferation of warfare on the planet recently, Nithin and Jeremy analyze a post-9/11 Q’uo session discussing bellicosity and peace. The principle addresses several biological, cultural, spiritual, and philosophical factors that make not just our people but past third density populations in our system so warlike while also suggesting an appreciation for war’s intense potential for catalysis. Those of Q’uo direct us to look within at our own attitudes and quality of seeking so that we can discover not just the ideal of peace but how to live it and thereby radiate it to the entire planet. It is this personal commitment to unconditional peace and the sacrifices it may entail that help us confront the spiritual root causes of conflict.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Episode 45: Balancing Love and Wisdom

Jeremy and Nithin assemble once more to tackle one of the greatest mysteries of the Creation: balancing the cosmic force of love with the poise of wisdom. After defining these concepts, they explore how these attempts we make at balance look and feel in life, addressing their impact on the energy centers, our ethics, and our service. This balance is something even those of Ra and the Confederation have gotten wrong, and they explore how the mechanism of trial and error navigates spiritual evolution through the many temptations of excessively foolish love and manipulative, calculating wisdom of the negative path.

However, with compassionate wisdom that partakes of the deeper aspects of our intelligence and our faith, one can accept the pain and hardship of catalysis as part of the mystery of incarnate agency. This pushes us to learn how one can help the Creator guide its love and light where it might best help without such a tight attachment to a specific approach or outcome. Through reflection and inner inquiry we build a capacity to use our lessons to build wisdom with a light touch. We do not need to close our heart or foreclose on our creative ability to transcend zero sum scenarios in weighing the tough decisions stemming from service.

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Episode 44: Orange and Yellow Ray Interactions

Nithin joins Jeremy to discuss an area of shared interest: the orange and yellow ray energy centers and the way they are worked with in our very human, very organized lives. Distinguishing between those one-on-one, orange ray relationships and the more coordinated, socially inflected yellow ray roles is not always clear. However, the more we can understand our catalyst in these two centers, the more we can open the pathway to the green ray center, the springboard to the higher energies. These issues and frameworks for approaching them are discussed in light of friendships, professional settings, power dynamics, service opportunities, and other real world situations where the effect of the cultural and personal distortions vary.

Show Notes

  • Ra on yellow and orange ray possession issues (Session 32, Question 14)
  • The Master-Slave Dialectic (The Phenomenology of Spirit, G. W. F. Hegel)
    • In this episode, Jeremy erroneously attributes this concept to Friedrich Nietzsche, who is known for a concept called “Master-Slave Morality,” a totally different idea.
  • Ra on the orange and yellow rays (Session 32, Question 2)
  • Ra on the hierarchical nature of the Intelligent Energy (Session 3, Question 8)
  • Definition of social and political power (Wikipedia article)
  • Q’uo on how the service to others entity relates to negativity within as a source of grit (September 21, 2003)
  • Ra on the unblocked yellow ray energy center (Session 102, Question 11)
  • Ra on second density consciousness (Session 19, Question 15)
  • Latwii on the energy centers and their associated attitudes (June 15, 1990)
  • Q’uo on the yellow yay energies of organizations (August 1, 2021)
  • Ra on reverting to orange ray (Session 41, Question 14)
  • Jeremy and Ryan discussing the red, orange, and yellow ray energy centers (Episode 8)

Episode 43: Purity

After taking most of February and March off, Ryan and Jeremy are back, this time continuing to explore sessions recently published on the Living Love and Light podcast by addressing Confederation commentary on the subject of purity. Hatonn and Latwii go to great lengths to distinguish their definition of purity from how it is regarded spiritually or religiously in our society. Instead of stressing purity as an adherence to rules or a removal of certain parts of ourselves, they emphasize the simple and wholesome radiation of the Creator’s light within us. The very nature of incarnation requires the admixture of elements that will seem to make us impure, yet our seeking and striving to polarize allows us to purify our intentions and render the imperfections of life moot.

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Episode 41: The Paths Others Take

Ryan and Jeremy discuss a Hatonn session from 1982 focusing on the experiences of others and how to relate to them without confusing our path with theirs. It can be difficult to understand the pain and actions of others, but we often do not help by attempting to teach those specific truths and lessons we’ve learned. According to this Law of One philosophy, other selves are best helped by meeting them where they are, freely gifting them the care, respect, and love they need to learn their own lessons and walk their unique path back to the Creator. This inability to directly translate our life experiences to another’s is a good lesson in the reflective nature of other selves, showing us just how much we ourselves trust in our own belief system. By giving our other selves room and freedom to explore their own journey, we receive inimitable insights into the infinite variety of consciousness involved in one Creator encountering another in the illusion.

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Episode 40: Love and Its Fruits

Happy new year, other selves! Nithin joins Jeremy on the last day of 2022 to explore a Q’uo session from early in their contact with the L/L Research circle. Those of Q’uo distinguish the outer forms of spiritual practice from the love that motivates them, urging the seeker to touch into the heart to find their bearing. Looking outside the self to things such as prophecy, tarot, or even channeling will never provide a foundation or orientation for authentic seeking of the Creator, since those phenomena are the fruits of past love, only valuable to the extent they reflect the love we can find within ourselves in the present. The genuine seeker relies ultimately on nothing but the dim star of hope lit by the heart, learning how love is always manifested as a dynamic of the moment and never fully captured in the things of the world.

Please note that we had some recording difficulties this time through so audio may sound a bit wonky. Also, we discussed a Hatonn session from 1976 before the Q’uo session that dealt with the spiritual significance of the new year, but that recording was lost. The reference to the “symbolism of life” at the beginning of the episode refers to that conversation.

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