Episode 58: A Deep Dive Into the Archetypes, Part 2

Jeremy is once more joined by Steve Tyman to continue their discussion of the mind and body cycles of the tarot images and their relation to the archetypal mind. They begin with a recapitulation of the idea behind concept complexes with an emphasis on the veil’s effect on the operation of the significator. This leads to discussion of the liminal station of transformation and the summarizing/integrating station of the great way, where one can see the reflection of the mind in the body and the delicate resonances of the logoic plan in the archetypal mind. Steve and Jeremy tie back the polarity introduced by the veil between the conscious and unconscious minds which features prominently in understanding the character of transformation and the great way. This sets the stage for tackling the spirit cycle, which we shall address in a future episode in light of the relationships articulated up to this point between the seven stations and the two cycles.

Show Notes

Episode 50: Instruments on Channeling

On this very special fiftieth episode, we have assembled the High Altitude Receiving Center (HARC) Circle, the current channeling body of the Other Selves Working Group , for a conversation on the nature, purpose, and frontiers of channeling in the tradition of the Confederation of Planets in Service to the One Infinite Creator. Nithin and Jeremy welcome founding Working Group member and senior HARC Circle channel Dr. Stephen Tyman to discuss channeling and the recent Fourth Channeling Intensive they participated in.

In this wide ranging discussion, the three instruments discuss the concepts of channeling and tuning consciousness from the ground up. Steve details the concerns that go into the preparation and dedication of the self to serve as an instrument in a safe, protected, and spiritually salutary manner, not denying the pitfalls and increased catalyst. They talk about some of the practices and approaches they use in their circle, including how they think about the instrument’s responsibility and role in the messaging. The recently released eleven sessions recorded in June at the intensive are also addressed along with the finer points of these channeling experiences and where the Working Group may go from here.

Show Notes

Episode 47: The Sinkhole of Indifference

Nithin joins Jeremy to discuss an oft overlooked concept in Confederation philosophy: what those of Ra described as the “sinkhole of indifference” between service-to-others and service-to-self. The issue is not simply the lack of choice on how to express one’s love and thereby continue evolving through the densities, but more tragically how refusing to make a heartfelt choices creates a feedback loop that keeps a person seeking comfort, sleep, and stasis.

How does one succeed in not succumbing to the pressure exerted by society without polarizing negatively? The pair breakdown the nuances of polarity and speculate on the nature of the sinkhole and the opportunities to serve those trapped by fear and the inability to commit to love.

Many heartfelt thanks to listener Reinhard for suggesting the topic! You can always ask us to address ourselves to a subject — or otherwise give us feedback — at our contact form: https://inaudible.show/contact-us

Show Notes

Episode 40: Love and Its Fruits

Happy new year, other selves! Nithin joins Jeremy on the last day of 2022 to explore a Q’uo session from early in their contact with the L/L Research circle. Those of Q’uo distinguish the outer forms of spiritual practice from the love that motivates them, urging the seeker to touch into the heart to find their bearing. Looking outside the self to things such as prophecy, tarot, or even channeling will never provide a foundation or orientation for authentic seeking of the Creator, since those phenomena are the fruits of past love, only valuable to the extent they reflect the love we can find within ourselves in the present. The genuine seeker relies ultimately on nothing but the dim star of hope lit by the heart, learning how love is always manifested as a dynamic of the moment and never fully captured in the things of the world.

Please note that we had some recording difficulties this time through so audio may sound a bit wonky. Also, we discussed a Hatonn session from 1976 before the Q’uo session that dealt with the spiritual significance of the new year, but that recording was lost. The reference to the “symbolism of life” at the beginning of the episode refers to that conversation.

Show Notes

Episode 20: Curiosity

Happy Tuesday, other selves! On this episode Jeremy interviews Nithin Reddy, longtime student of the Law of One, on the subject of the role curiosity plays in our seeking. How does curiosity enliven our learning and help us open us up to opportunities for growth and adventure? How do we experience this curiosity in consensus reality, and how can a spiritual lens leaven our lives? What is the connection between curiosity and catalysis? We’ll explore these ideas and much more, drawing upon the wisdom of Ra and Q’uo to contextualize our musings. As always, give us your feedback and thanks for your support!

Q’uo references:

Episode 19: Resonance and Discernment

Happy Tuesday, other selves! On this episode Jeremy interviews Joseph Dartez on the subject of resonance and discernment in our quest for the truth. What is the connection between resonance and truth? How far is it appropriate to use resonance as the deciding factor in beliefs about things that are in principle not testable? How much credence should we lend to channeled entities? We’ll explore how Joseph’s philosophical work relates to these topics and provide the listener with some helpful approaches for understanding how to work with their experience of resonance. Let us know how we’re doing!