Episode 57: The Shadow Self

Nithin and Jeremy team up to explore Confederation messages that discuss those darker parts of the self less understood and accepted. Extremely few if any of us lack imbalances, so we always have material to work with coming through in our dreams, our biases, our catalyst, and those crazy ways we surprise ourselves. Several Confederation messages suggest that incorporating the shadow self into the greater self is part of the service-to-others path where we gain our grit and tenacity to continue walking the path when it is toughest. Jeremy ties in Monka’s recent comments on introjection and projection aspects of the mirroring effect and how it relates to the shadow self.

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Episode 56: Dreams and the Dream-like

Nithin and Jeremy welcome back Jamie Liestman, who last spoke with us on dreams and the Law of One in episode 48. This time we cover some new ground, starting with Jamie describing how she uses art to better work with her dreams. We discuss the qualitative nature of dreams as time/space experiences, stressing the primacy of their subjective, affective, and atemporal properties. After lamenting the lack of respect society shows dreams, they analyze a Q’uo message to explore how waking life might be symbolically interpreted as if it were a dream in a way benefiting the seeker.

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Episode 48: Dreams

On this episode, Jeremy discusses dreams and dreamwork with Jamie Liestman, long time seeker in the Law of One tradition who presented on the subject at the Working Group’s April membership meeting. Drawing from contacts with Q’uo and Ra, they explore the purpose and use of dreams in polarization and the discipline of the personality, drawing upon Confederation insight into the sometimes misunderstood role of emotional resonance in this time/space aspect of consciousness. Several techniques for working more compassionately and authentically with dreams are addressed, and this prompts some subtle but profound changes in how we think about the mind and consciousness.

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Episode 46: Magic

Nithin and Jeremy welcome Jon Firman to discuss ritual magic and its place in practicing the Law of One philosophy. Jon tells us a bit about his experience with the western magical tradition, and we explore the Confederation’s ideas on the matter. Those of Ra confirm a definition of magic as the ability to effect changes in consciousness at will, and we discuss the issues at play in honing that personal will and the way it works with polarization, service, the Archetypal Mind, prayer, and other topics with which this podcast normally deals.

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Episode 39: Encounters with Negativity

Ryan and Jeremy return from an unexpected hiatus to discuss oppositional forces encountered on the spiritual path. Q’uo reminds us that all that challenges and frightens us originates from our own distortions and biased perceptions, whether it is experienced as other than self or as self. Since all is self, polarization must involve a way of opening one’s heart to these aspects that are hard to accept. As we recover these unaccepted portions of self and integrate them, we increasingly identify with a deeper self, a self we do not direct but rather with which we learn to cooperate.

This deeper self we build a relationship with through work in consciousness is closer to the truth of our unity with all other selves. In finding compassion for the self and its rough spots within, we find the strength and confidence to extend love and patience to others, despite their flaws and the buttons they push in us. By being willing to feel the pain we encounter instead of avoiding it, we discover that it’s the same pain others feel, that it connects us. Instead of using negative encounters as an excuse to give up on seeking, we can use them to lovingly incorporate into our heart each thread of the Creator’s love we come across in our lives.

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Episode 34: The Magical Personality

Happy Tuesday, other selves! Returning to the session first discussed in episode 32, Ryan and Jeremy follow Q’uo’s segue from discussing the higher self to exploring a highly specialized and articulated version of that self. The magical personality is a powerful way that we access our future sixth density self’s wisdom and experience to use in our third density life now. However, it must be used with reverence and caution. What does it mean to invoke the magical personality, and what are the ways in which it may be accomplished? How do we build the best relationship with this powerful form of consciousness?

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Episode 32: The Higher Self

Happy Wednesday, other selves! On this episode, Ryan jumps back on the mic for another romp through the Confederation philosophy’s finer points, this time focusing on a Q’uo session from 1989 dealing with the idea of the higher self. Jeremy and Ryan work through half of the session, talking about the concept of true simultaneity, the drama of polarity through sixth density, and the nature of the higher self as a gift from ourselves so crucial to our continued evolution.

We will pick up the rest of the session next time as Q’uo bridges the gap between the higher self and the magical personality, that invocation of the higher self in our waking consciousness. As always, let us know how we’re doing!

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