Episode 37: The Mysteries of Service

Nithin Reddy joins Jeremy once more to dive into what those of Q’uo describe as the mysteries and paradoxes of service. How do we know whether we’re truly serving the other self, when the other self may not understand its own spiritual project and true desire? How do we give freely with no conditions so that we can give others the freedom to discover themselves that we seek to give ourselves? What do we as servants desire from those we serve, and how do we use even services that go poorly as ways to understand ourselves better? Where do the social norms and pressures fit into all this?

We can strive to be more polarized, but this is so difficult without any way to judge our polarity. Service encompasses all of the mysteries contained in an illusion of separation refracting and mediating the underlying unity of the Creator. Q’uo offers novel approaches to keeping the faith that love expressed and received are the true natures of service. As we learn to abide in patience and bring through more and more purified love and light, we make ourselves open, available, and even grateful for all the opportunities for growth and connection that service offers.

Show Notes

Episode 35: Acceptance and the Heart

Happy Thursday, other selves! Coming off his own recent experiences working with the heart or green-ray energy center (or chakra), Jeremy joins Ryan to discuss a rare 1991 appearance of Hatonn in the L/L Research meditation circle.

While the heart is a vital center in the energy body — so important that those of Ra call it a “springboard” to blue ray and beyond — it also is where we store all our self-judgments and failures. The heart’s wisdom is discovered in the forgiveness and healing of its contents, bringing the possibility of balance to all centers in the energy body. Gratitude is the key to keeping the heart open at a steady state, and that paves the way for the blue-ray communication that avoids intellectualization in favor of adaptiveness, fearlessness, generosity, and endless hope. Working with these energies over time, we build the habits necessary to fall in love with our whole selves, making possible the creative and nimble possibilities of service that flow from the open heart.

Show Notes

Episode 27: The Spirit Complex, Part 2

Happy Wednesday, other selves! On this episode, Ryan and Jeremy return to that 1991 Q’uo session on the spirit complex and the soul to finish their read-through and analysis. Jeremy gives a brief synopsis of the ground covered last episode, returning to a passage near the beginning of the session with good advice on how to interpret and think about Confederation information. Then we pick up where we had left off, rounding out Q’uo’s discussion of the spirit complex and its role in the sometimes painful lessons of love and acceptance involved in spiritual evolution. Q’uo then moves on to concept of the soul, which they seem to use to refer to our totality as entities. There’s an interesting part at the end about learning to love without judgment or criticism. As always, let us know how we’re doing!

Show Notes

Episode 23: Love, Fear, and Projection

On this episode, Ryan and Jeremy return to the Q’uo transcript they briefly touched on last episode to delve deeper into the concept of mental projection. Q’uo speaks about (what we call) love and fear as two poles of the same continuum of the Creator instead of as two completely opposed concepts. The unity of this continuum gives us ample opportunities to make the polarizing choice in the present moment, where all our power and agency truly lies. In this way we can more clearly recognize the power of our own thinking–more specifically, how our mental projections of self into the past and future can serve constructive ends or further confuse us.

Show Notes:

Episode 4: Love and Catalyst

This week Ryan and I go all over the place, talking about the nature of catalyst and how it exposes our biases, the nature of love in all of our experiences, and the journey from the intellectual head to the understanding heart. What does it mean to love, to serve, to let go? Join us as we open up a bit about our personal lives as we muse about the vulnerable, reflective, receptive mode that the Confederation suggests. As always, we welcome your feedback, both critical and positive. Thanks for listening!

Episode 3: Perception and Illusion

Happy Tuesday, other selves! In this episode, Ryan and I discuss the Confederation’s concept of love (and fear), the power of perception, the nature of service, our definitions of this “illusion”, and wanderers. We kind of go all over the place, so let us know how we’re doing!