Episode 14: The Transient and the Timeless

Happy Tuesday, other selves! This episode revolves around a concept that the Confederation often harps on: transience. By that, they mean to indicate those concerns which occupy our minds without holding any importance to our spiritual evolution. We look at how to apply the long term, cosmic time scale of spiritual evolution to our thinking and service in this oh! so short life. As always, let us know if we’re hitting the mark.

Episode 13: Suffering and Spiritual Growth

Happy Thursday, other selves! Sorry for the late post, but I’ve been a bit distracted. In any case, Tuesday’s episode features yours truly and Ryan discussing the nature of suffering and its role on our evolutionary path. How can we think about our pain and woe? How does our mind and perspective relate to our suffering? What is the best way to address others’ suffering?

As always, give us your feedback on how we’re doing. Thanks for listening!