Episode 59: Contemplation

Nithin and Jeremy welcome “Linus,” an anonymous Other Selves Working Group member, to the show to help them discuss Ra’s concept of contemplation. Distinguishing it from meditation and prayer, they examine these three forms of inner work, observing how contemplation addresses the attention to one’s conscious mind in a way congruent to meditation’s attention to the deep mind. Reflecting on their own experiences with contemplation, the trio discuss how contemplation relates to other aspects of the seeker’s life, especially its relationship with inward inquiry, catalysis, and growth.

Show Notes

Episode 56: Dreams and the Dream-like

Nithin and Jeremy welcome back Jamie Liestman, who last spoke with us on dreams and the Law of One in episode 48. This time we cover some new ground, starting with Jamie describing how she uses art to better work with her dreams. We discuss the qualitative nature of dreams as time/space experiences, stressing the primacy of their subjective, affective, and atemporal properties. After lamenting the lack of respect society shows dreams, they analyze a Q’uo message to explore how waking life might be symbolically interpreted as if it were a dream in a way benefiting the seeker.

Show Notes

Episode 23: Love, Fear, and Projection

On this episode, Ryan and Jeremy return to the Q’uo transcript they briefly touched on last episode to delve deeper into the concept of mental projection. Q’uo speaks about (what we call) love and fear as two poles of the same continuum of the Creator instead of as two completely opposed concepts. The unity of this continuum gives us ample opportunities to make the polarizing choice in the present moment, where all our power and agency truly lies. In this way we can more clearly recognize the power of our own thinking–more specifically, how our mental projections of self into the past and future can serve constructive ends or further confuse us.

Show Notes:

Episode 20: Curiosity

Happy Tuesday, other selves! On this episode Jeremy interviews Nithin Reddy, longtime student of the Law of One, on the subject of the role curiosity plays in our seeking. How does curiosity enliven our learning and help us open us up to opportunities for growth and adventure? How do we experience this curiosity in consensus reality, and how can a spiritual lens leaven our lives? What is the connection between curiosity and catalysis? We’ll explore these ideas and much more, drawing upon the wisdom of Ra and Q’uo to contextualize our musings. As always, give us your feedback and thanks for your support!

Q’uo references:

Episode 15: Fear, Faith, and Thought

Happy Sunday, other selves! Many apologies for not updating the site on Tuesday with our latest episode. Ryan and I discuss a Q’uo transcript contemporary to the attacks of September 11. As an example of fear to which many people can relate, 9/11 provides Q’uo with a focus for addressing the nature of fear, its role in the energy body and in our thoughts, and the manner in which we can balance and respect it. As always, we welcome your questions and comments. Thanks for listening, and tune in next Tuesday for a very special episode with our first guest!