Episode 62: A Deep Dive into the Archetypes, Part 3

In this final installment of our series on the archetypal mind, Dr. Stephen Tyman joins us once more to help us begin to explore the spirit cycle of the tarot. We discuss the unfathomably vast scope of the spirit complex through the lens of its seven stations. Here seeking has become so refined that desire, the motive force of evolution, and its object begin to blend. Our individuated consciousness stands naked before our true identity as the Creator Itself. Perilous, subtle, and promising, work in the spirit complex involves encountering our deepest emotions, including faith and despair, joy and terror, as we balance these experiences and discipline ourselves to apprehend in some small way the colossal forces of intelligent infinity without recourse to the traction provided by the body complex and the mind complex.

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Episode 61: Desire and Service

Nithin and Jeremy tackle another 1974 Hatonn session two days following the one they analyzed last episode, this one extending the Confederation’s concepts of love, light, and other primal distortions into the area of desire and service. This begins with a discussion about the genealogy of desire, its thread connecting more distorted versions of the desire to more pure versions. Desire achieves its goal ultimately through service, the dynamic projection of the truth of oneness into the limited, novel details of a moment in the illusion. Therefore, serving involves the ability to look through the illusion, recognizing deeper layers of our desires and using the illusion to skillfully address our service to those on levels of calling they may not even understand themselves. This means we cannot arrive at our choices of how to serve solely through intellectual thinking; this ability to serve other selves on deeper levels starts with better self-knowledge and a more intuitional approach exercised in meditation. Jeremy introduces a couple more sessions from the 1970s that reinforce this concept of love’s current through the illusion via desire as well as the mysterious, creative, inspirational nature of true service.

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Episode 57: The Shadow Self

Nithin and Jeremy team up to explore Confederation messages that discuss those darker parts of the self less understood and accepted. Extremely few if any of us lack imbalances, so we always have material to work with coming through in our dreams, our biases, our catalyst, and those crazy ways we surprise ourselves. Several Confederation messages suggest that incorporating the shadow self into the greater self is part of the service-to-others path where we gain our grit and tenacity to continue walking the path when it is toughest. Jeremy ties in Monka’s recent comments on introjection and projection aspects of the mirroring effect and how it relates to the shadow self.

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Episode 56: Dreams and the Dream-like

Nithin and Jeremy welcome back Jamie Liestman, who last spoke with us on dreams and the Law of One in episode 48. This time we cover some new ground, starting with Jamie describing how she uses art to better work with her dreams. We discuss the qualitative nature of dreams as time/space experiences, stressing the primacy of their subjective, affective, and atemporal properties. After lamenting the lack of respect society shows dreams, they analyze a Q’uo message to explore how waking life might be symbolically interpreted as if it were a dream in a way benefiting the seeker.

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Episode 51: Intuition and Intellect

After a few thoughts on how seekers think about careers, Nithin and Jeremy discuss the nature and function of intuition and how it relates to other aspects of mind. They delve into a 1986 Laleema transcript that addresses intuition and intellectual analysis, comparing them to listening and speaking, respectively. Both are required, and only the balance between the two can help one to reach the true goal: the Creator.

It is in incarnation that we get the mixture right because our lessons become firmly grounded in the lasting consequence of making one choice rather than another. Intellectual analysis in particular can help one discern which intuitions are genuine insight and which are expressions of imbalanced emotions; even skepticism and doubt can serve the discovery of genuine faith. This faith, coupled with will, constitute the heart of seeking, Laleema says, allowing us to discover resources beyond ourselves bringing to fruition our recovery of our true identity as the Creator.

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Episode 48: Dreams

On this episode, Jeremy discusses dreams and dreamwork with Jamie Liestman, long time seeker in the Law of One tradition who presented on the subject at the Working Group’s April membership meeting. Drawing from contacts with Q’uo and Ra, they explore the purpose and use of dreams in polarization and the discipline of the personality, drawing upon Confederation insight into the sometimes misunderstood role of emotional resonance in this time/space aspect of consciousness. Several techniques for working more compassionately and authentically with dreams are addressed, and this prompts some subtle but profound changes in how we think about the mind and consciousness.

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Episode 45: Balancing Love and Wisdom

Jeremy and Nithin assemble once more to tackle one of the greatest mysteries of the Creation: balancing the cosmic force of love with the poise of wisdom. After defining these concepts, they explore how these attempts we make at balance look and feel in life, addressing their impact on the energy centers, our ethics, and our service. This balance is something even those of Ra and the Confederation have gotten wrong, and they explore how the mechanism of trial and error navigates spiritual evolution through the many temptations of excessively foolish love and manipulative, calculating wisdom of the negative path.

However, with compassionate wisdom that partakes of the deeper aspects of our intelligence and our faith, one can accept the pain and hardship of catalysis as part of the mystery of incarnate agency. This pushes us to learn how one can help the Creator guide its love and light where it might best help without such a tight attachment to a specific approach or outcome. Through reflection and inner inquiry we build a capacity to use our lessons to build wisdom with a light touch. We do not need to close our heart or foreclose on our creative ability to transcend zero sum scenarios in weighing the tough decisions stemming from service.

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Episode 44: Orange and Yellow Ray Interactions

Nithin joins Jeremy to discuss an area of shared interest: the orange and yellow ray energy centers and the way they are worked with in our very human, very organized lives. Distinguishing between those one-on-one, orange ray relationships and the more coordinated, socially inflected yellow ray roles is not always clear. However, the more we can understand our catalyst in these two centers, the more we can open the pathway to the green ray center, the springboard to the higher energies. These issues and frameworks for approaching them are discussed in light of friendships, professional settings, power dynamics, service opportunities, and other real world situations where the effect of the cultural and personal distortions vary.

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  • Ra on yellow and orange ray possession issues (Session 32, Question 14)
  • The Master-Slave Dialectic (The Phenomenology of Spirit, G. W. F. Hegel)
    • In this episode, Jeremy erroneously attributes this concept to Friedrich Nietzsche, who is known for a concept called “Master-Slave Morality,” a totally different idea.
  • Ra on the orange and yellow rays (Session 32, Question 2)
  • Ra on the hierarchical nature of the Intelligent Energy (Session 3, Question 8)
  • Definition of social and political power (Wikipedia article)
  • Q’uo on how the service to others entity relates to negativity within as a source of grit (September 21, 2003)
  • Ra on the unblocked yellow ray energy center (Session 102, Question 11)
  • Ra on second density consciousness (Session 19, Question 15)
  • Latwii on the energy centers and their associated attitudes (June 15, 1990)
  • Q’uo on the yellow yay energies of organizations (August 1, 2021)
  • Ra on reverting to orange ray (Session 41, Question 14)
  • Jeremy and Ryan discussing the red, orange, and yellow ray energy centers (Episode 8)

Episode 39: Encounters with Negativity

Ryan and Jeremy return from an unexpected hiatus to discuss oppositional forces encountered on the spiritual path. Q’uo reminds us that all that challenges and frightens us originates from our own distortions and biased perceptions, whether it is experienced as other than self or as self. Since all is self, polarization must involve a way of opening one’s heart to these aspects that are hard to accept. As we recover these unaccepted portions of self and integrate them, we increasingly identify with a deeper self, a self we do not direct but rather with which we learn to cooperate.

This deeper self we build a relationship with through work in consciousness is closer to the truth of our unity with all other selves. In finding compassion for the self and its rough spots within, we find the strength and confidence to extend love and patience to others, despite their flaws and the buttons they push in us. By being willing to feel the pain we encounter instead of avoiding it, we discover that it’s the same pain others feel, that it connects us. Instead of using negative encounters as an excuse to give up on seeking, we can use them to lovingly incorporate into our heart each thread of the Creator’s love we come across in our lives.

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Episode 37: The Mysteries of Service

Nithin Reddy joins Jeremy once more to dive into what those of Q’uo describe as the mysteries and paradoxes of service. How do we know whether we’re truly serving the other self, when the other self may not understand its own spiritual project and true desire? How do we give freely with no conditions so that we can give others the freedom to discover themselves that we seek to give ourselves? What do we as servants desire from those we serve, and how do we use even services that go poorly as ways to understand ourselves better? Where do the social norms and pressures fit into all this?

We can strive to be more polarized, but this is so difficult without any way to judge our polarity. Service encompasses all of the mysteries contained in an illusion of separation refracting and mediating the underlying unity of the Creator. Q’uo offers novel approaches to keeping the faith that love expressed and received are the true natures of service. As we learn to abide in patience and bring through more and more purified love and light, we make ourselves open, available, and even grateful for all the opportunities for growth and connection that service offers.

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