Episode 35: Acceptance and the Heart

Happy Thursday, other selves! Coming off his own recent experiences working with the heart or green-ray energy center (or chakra), Jeremy joins Ryan to discuss a rare 1991 appearance of Hatonn in the L/L Research meditation circle.

While the heart is a vital center in the energy body — so important that those of Ra call it a “springboard” to blue ray and beyond — it also is where we store all our self-judgments and failures. The heart’s wisdom is discovered in the forgiveness and healing of its contents, bringing the possibility of balance to all centers in the energy body. Gratitude is the key to keeping the heart open at a steady state, and that paves the way for the blue-ray communication that avoids intellectualization in favor of adaptiveness, fearlessness, generosity, and endless hope. Working with these energies over time, we build the habits necessary to fall in love with our whole selves, making possible the creative and nimble possibilities of service that flow from the open heart.

Show Notes

Episode 31: Criticism

Joseph Dartez steps in as Jeremy’s cohost to tackle the subject of criticism. When is critique a form of service to others? How do we account for our own feelings, ulterior motives, distortions and biases in our communication to others? What kinds of spiritual principles are involved in a human way to register our reflections to others? How is this complicated when third parties are involved? Joseph and Jeremy will take a stroll through all of these topics and more as we wrestle with the positive and negative characteristics of criticism.

Show Notes

Episode 30: How to Serve Others

Happy Tuesday, other selves! Nithin Reddy joins Jeremy on this episode to discuss a variety of concerns surrounding how we serve our fellow humans. Service with respect for the free will of others requires all of our resources: our creativity, our full hearts, and even our imagination. Sometimes it is not our service that is needed at all, or perhaps not the service we planned on offering, both situations calling for great discernment and discipline. Or the service can go awry and teach us something we didn’t expect. We can make ourselves ready to respond best to situations through practicing our connection with our deeper self so that expressing faith, love, and patience become more natural and radiant.

Show Notes

Episode 25: The Present Moment

Happy Wednesday, other selves! This episode Jeremy is joined by Nithin Reddy to discuss the Confederation’s concept of the present moment and finding love within it. The present moment is the location for our most potent emotional experiences and our ability to affirm or change our polarity. Perhaps most mysteriously, Ra assures us that the gateway to intelligent infinity lies in this present moment. We’ll discuss the relationship of time, emotion, risk of pain, and opportunity for transformation with an eye towards bringing more awareness and presence to this nexus of spiritual evolution that is perpetually available right now. As always, let us know how we’re doing!

Show Notes

Episode 24: Attitude and Catalyst

Happy New Year, other selves! Ryan and I are excited to jump back into inaudible in 2022 after a month or so break. Much like we discuss catalyst working in this episode, we’re revisiting old material. In episode 22 we briefly touched on a Q’uo session to discuss how to work with difficult things in life, but this excerpt is grounded in a much more wide-ranging discussion of the function of attitude in the processing of catalyst.

In this episode, we start from the very beginning of the session to discuss the nature of how our truly challenging lessons manifest piece by piece in our awareness over time. The attitude we hold sets us up for the way we will use these often painful and confusing experiences. As we discipline the personality, we take down the barriers to the fears that drove our past attitudes, exercise our faith, and discover the latent power available within us for service — service to other selves, to our own growth, and to the planet itself. It is in the emotions we feel, not the specific details of the events that cause them, that our work of acceptance and balancing really occurs.

Show Notes

Episode 10: Indigo Ray, Violet Ray, and Emotions

Happy Tuesday, other selves! In this episode, Ryan and I discuss the final two centers and their mystical, mysterious nature. We then turn to a Q’uo transcript that discusses emotions and their purpose on the evolutionary path. We only get about halfway through reading it, but there is a tie-in between indigo ray and what those of Q’uo call the “way of wisdom” that attempts to transcend emotion. This more intellectual approach to work in consciousness is distinguished from the “way of the open heart” that faces emotions head-on. Next week, we’ll finish analyzing the transcript and focus on the purification of these emotions.

As always, thanks for listening, and drop us a line if you have feedback for us of any kind!