Episode 62: A Deep Dive into the Archetypes, Part 3

In this final installment of our series on the archetypal mind, Dr. Stephen Tyman joins us once more to help us begin to explore the spirit cycle of the tarot. We discuss the unfathomably vast scope of the spirit complex through the lens of its seven stations. Here seeking has become so refined that desire, the motive force of evolution, and its object begin to blend. Our individuated consciousness stands naked before our true identity as the Creator Itself. Perilous, subtle, and promising, work in the spirit complex involves encountering our deepest emotions, including faith and despair, joy and terror, as we balance these experiences and discipline ourselves to apprehend in some small way the colossal forces of intelligent infinity without recourse to the traction provided by the body complex and the mind complex.

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Episode 60: The First Three Distortions

After a long break, Nithin and Jeremy return to discuss a 1974 Hatonn session that presages the Ra contact revelations in so many ways. In the context of the long lineage of Confederation channeling, they discuss what they mean by love and light, how they interact and relate to the first distortion, free will. This leads them to address thoughts on the nature of manifestation and the thread connecting it back to the Creator through a variety of successive distortions, a task that doesn’t quite yield to the intellect. Evolution then tracks through time the process of this thread being traced back to unity, as we learn how to truly become self-conscious enough to become a participant in the Creator’s evolutionary project.

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Episode 59: Contemplation

Nithin and Jeremy welcome “Linus,” an anonymous Other Selves Working Group member, to the show to help them discuss Ra’s concept of contemplation. Distinguishing it from meditation and prayer, they examine these three forms of inner work, observing how contemplation addresses the attention to one’s conscious mind in a way congruent to meditation’s attention to the deep mind. Reflecting on their own experiences with contemplation, the trio discuss how contemplation relates to other aspects of the seeker’s life, especially its relationship with inward inquiry, catalysis, and growth.

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Episode 56: Dreams and the Dream-like

Nithin and Jeremy welcome back Jamie Liestman, who last spoke with us on dreams and the Law of One in episode 48. This time we cover some new ground, starting with Jamie describing how she uses art to better work with her dreams. We discuss the qualitative nature of dreams as time/space experiences, stressing the primacy of their subjective, affective, and atemporal properties. After lamenting the lack of respect society shows dreams, they analyze a Q’uo message to explore how waking life might be symbolically interpreted as if it were a dream in a way benefiting the seeker.

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Episode 46: Magic

Nithin and Jeremy welcome Jon Firman to discuss ritual magic and its place in practicing the Law of One philosophy. Jon tells us a bit about his experience with the western magical tradition, and we explore the Confederation’s ideas on the matter. Those of Ra confirm a definition of magic as the ability to effect changes in consciousness at will, and we discuss the issues at play in honing that personal will and the way it works with polarization, service, the Archetypal Mind, prayer, and other topics with which this podcast normally deals.

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Episode 43: Purity

After taking most of February and March off, Ryan and Jeremy are back, this time continuing to explore sessions recently published on the Living Love and Light podcast by addressing Confederation commentary on the subject of purity. Hatonn and Latwii go to great lengths to distinguish their definition of purity from how it is regarded spiritually or religiously in our society. Instead of stressing purity as an adherence to rules or a removal of certain parts of ourselves, they emphasize the simple and wholesome radiation of the Creator’s light within us. The very nature of incarnation requires the admixture of elements that will seem to make us impure, yet our seeking and striving to polarize allows us to purify our intentions and render the imperfections of life moot.

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Episode 42: Being and Doing

The theme of “being and doing” is frequently mentioned in many of the Confederation’s communications with Earth. Ryan and Jeremy discuss how to understand this theme and what it reflects about the nature of the Creation and reality. While it is easy to understand how service in the world rests upon “doing,” in other words, acting in the world, it takes a little more seeking to figure out what it might mean to say that the very fact of our existence is itself a service.

Of course, our beingness is the grounds for any doing, but those of the Confederation make it plain that it is simply our passive beingness that serves by imbuing the planet and events in which we participate with the vibration we radiate. Therefore, the conversation weighs what it might mean to better understand our “instruments” on their own terms and not simply in light of the fruits it generates in the socially constructed domain of activity. The more aware we are of our true nature that rests in that passive beingness state, the better the relationship we can have with those unconscious but powerful and creative parts of our entire self. Meditation tees us up for just that kind of inquiry into the self, these forays into the dark but fecund mystery of the spirit complex and intelligent infinity, that build our faith in our polarity and the full breadth of what we bring to others.

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