Episode 62: A Deep Dive into the Archetypes, Part 3

In this final installment of our series on the archetypal mind, Dr. Stephen Tyman joins us once more to help us begin to explore the spirit cycle of the tarot. We discuss the unfathomably vast scope of the spirit complex through the lens of its seven stations. Here seeking has become so refined that desire, the motive force of evolution, and its object begin to blend. Our individuated consciousness stands naked before our true identity as the Creator Itself. Perilous, subtle, and promising, work in the spirit complex involves encountering our deepest emotions, including faith and despair, joy and terror, as we balance these experiences and discipline ourselves to apprehend in some small way the colossal forces of intelligent infinity without recourse to the traction provided by the body complex and the mind complex.

Show Notes

Episode 58: A Deep Dive Into the Archetypes, Part 2

Jeremy is once more joined by Steve Tyman to continue their discussion of the mind and body cycles of the tarot images and their relation to the archetypal mind. They begin with a recapitulation of the idea behind concept complexes with an emphasis on the veil’s effect on the operation of the significator. This leads to discussion of the liminal station of transformation and the summarizing/integrating station of the great way, where one can see the reflection of the mind in the body and the delicate resonances of the logoic plan in the archetypal mind. Steve and Jeremy tie back the polarity introduced by the veil between the conscious and unconscious minds which features prominently in understanding the character of transformation and the great way. This sets the stage for tackling the spirit cycle, which we shall address in a future episode in light of the relationships articulated up to this point between the seven stations and the two cycles.

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Episode 55: A Deep Dive Into the Archetypes, Part 1

Steve Tyman joins Jeremy for the first of a series of conversations on the twenty-two archetypes that provide a tool for working with the archetypal mind. In this episode they focus on the first five stations of the mind and body cycles: matrix, potentiator, catalyst, experience, and significator. Starting with a re-introduction to the very idea of what an archetype is, they discuss some aspects of these ten archetypes as well as what is meant by “mind” and “body” specifically, with some digressions into the nature of time/space as contrasted to space/time. The other archetypes—the spirit cycle as well as the transformation and great way stations of mind and body—will be discussed in future episodes.

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Episode 48: Dreams

On this episode, Jeremy discusses dreams and dreamwork with Jamie Liestman, long time seeker in the Law of One tradition who presented on the subject at the Working Group’s April membership meeting. Drawing from contacts with Q’uo and Ra, they explore the purpose and use of dreams in polarization and the discipline of the personality, drawing upon Confederation insight into the sometimes misunderstood role of emotional resonance in this time/space aspect of consciousness. Several techniques for working more compassionately and authentically with dreams are addressed, and this prompts some subtle but profound changes in how we think about the mind and consciousness.

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Episode 46: Magic

Nithin and Jeremy welcome Jon Firman to discuss ritual magic and its place in practicing the Law of One philosophy. Jon tells us a bit about his experience with the western magical tradition, and we explore the Confederation’s ideas on the matter. Those of Ra confirm a definition of magic as the ability to effect changes in consciousness at will, and we discuss the issues at play in honing that personal will and the way it works with polarization, service, the Archetypal Mind, prayer, and other topics with which this podcast normally deals.

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Episode 27: The Spirit Complex, Part 2

Happy Wednesday, other selves! On this episode, Ryan and Jeremy return to that 1991 Q’uo session on the spirit complex and the soul to finish their read-through and analysis. Jeremy gives a brief synopsis of the ground covered last episode, returning to a passage near the beginning of the session with good advice on how to interpret and think about Confederation information. Then we pick up where we had left off, rounding out Q’uo’s discussion of the spirit complex and its role in the sometimes painful lessons of love and acceptance involved in spiritual evolution. Q’uo then moves on to concept of the soul, which they seem to use to refer to our totality as entities. There’s an interesting part at the end about learning to love without judgment or criticism. As always, let us know how we’re doing!

Show Notes

Episode 16: An Introduction to the Archetypal Mind, ft. Joseph Dartez

Happy Sunday, other selves! On this episode we interview our first guest, Joseph Dartez, who introduces us to the highly abstract and fascinating concept of the archetypal mind. Joseph breaks down the concept of an archetype and brings in the 3 cycles of 7 classifications that those of Ra conveyed, helping us build a framework for starting our personal, subjective study of these roots of cosmic consciousness. As always, let us know how we’re doing!
Please note that the sound quality is somewhat degraded compared to normal!